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Chuck Hagel Secretary Of Defense Nomination Looks Likely: Report

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What's most disturbing to me is that most commenters who like Hagel like him because he seems to be a nice guy.  They like his personality.  They know nothing of his background, his politics, and seem clueless that should Obama name him to be SecretaryOfDefense, he'll have a leg up on running for president.  Hagel voted for the Iraq war, the PatriotAct, Bush's tax cuts for the rich, has a lifetime rating of 84 percent from the AmericanConservativeUnion and consistent A and B grades from the NationalTaxpayersUnion.

Hagel of having covered up his involvement with AmericanInformationSystemsInc., the voting machine company. He omitted mention of AIS from the required US Senate financial disclosure forms and hid his continuing investment in the McCarthyGroup. BevHarris of BlackBoxVoting writes:

In October 2002, I discovered that Hagel still had undisclosed ownership of ES&E through its parent company, the McCarthyGroup. TheMcCarthyGroup is run by Hagel's campaign finance director, MichaelMcCarthy, who's also a director of ES&S. Hagel hid his ties to ES&S by calling his investment of up to $5 million in the ES&S parent company an "excepted investment fund." This is important because senators are required to list the underlying assets for companies they invest in, unless the company is "excepted." To be "excepted," the McCarthyGroup must be publicly traded (it's not) and very widely traded (it's not)."
Harris contacted VictorBaird, counsel for the SenateEthicsCommittee, to inquire into Hagel's disclosure statements. After some investigation, Baird agreed that Hagel apparently mischaracterized the nature of his investment in the McCarthyGroup. Soon afterwards, Baird resigned—Harris suggests that Baird was forced to resign—and Harris was told that he was unavailable to speak to the press. Harris says that Baird's replacement supported Hagel's characterization of the McCarthyGroup as an excepted fund.

Hagel's landslide victories in 1996 and 2002 may have been due to election fraud. Harris writes, "Hagel defeated popular DemocraticGovernorBenNelson, who had led in the polls since the opening gun, becoming the first Republican to win a Senate seat in Nebraska in 24 years.  What the media didn't report is that Hagel's job, until two weeks before he announced his run for the Senate, was running the voting machine company whose machines would count his votes.".  

Hagel won virtually every demographic group, including many largely black communities that'd never before voted Republican and the odd fact that the voting machines used to count votes in Hagel's Senate bid were built by the very same company that Hagel had recently chaired and that Hagel continued to invest in (15 points of disparity between election results and polling results).  Read about it Harper's Magazine.

WTF is the matter with Obama that he can't find Democrats to work in his administration?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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