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Obama: Immigration Reform Inaction Was 'Biggest Failure'

Friday, September 21, 2012

I live in Phoenix where the housing market has gone from abysmal to boom in the past year. Housing starts are up dramatically and the resale inventory is very low.


Terrific.  Another bubble.  It's not a realistic market, nor is it a stable one; it was never repaired.  It's the same old pyramid scheme ("Grow, grow, grow!"), the same old unregulated capitalism, that got us into this economic quagmire in the first place.

What's going on in Phoenix:  55% of homeowners with mortgages have high 'negative equity' (a charming term for owing more on the house than it's worth) and neither the banks nor the homeowners want to be left holding the bag.  And because prices are so low (almost 43% below the historical average), banks are trying to lure buyers (primarily investors who are converting the properties into rentals) with low interest mortgages, which banks then are slicing and dicing a few thousand times (that's how we got into the last bubble and crash) to make big bucks.
There really is so much wrong with what you are defending, so much that is an affront to Democratic Party values, it really is hard to know where to start.  On foreign policy, on environmental policy, on domestic/labor union/collective bargaining policy, on energy policy, there is nothing positive or progressive that comes from the kind of building, the kind of growth that you're talking about in Phoenix.  

And the work force that you're talking about, the low pay they receive, not only puts American workers who need a living wage out of business, it's money that doesn't stay in the United States; that immigrant work force sends the money to family in Mexico.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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