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Disabled Veteran 47 Percenter: 'I Guess I'm One Of The Leeches On The System'

Friday, September 21, 2012

Please vote. Even if not for president, than to get 60 in the Senate.


Obama has had both Houses of Congress.  He had a filibuster-proof Senate twice (remember when Arlen Specter switched parties?).

Since 2006, Democrats have had the tools to achieve on the people's behalf and refused to use them, took them off the table.

Had Obama used his considerab­le gifts, we would have had what he and Democrats were put into office to achieve:  Affordable quality medical treatment for all, not ACA, which is a massive giveaway to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries without containing costs or guaranteeing treatment for all.

Had Reid used Senate rule 22, had Pelosi not taken impeachmen­t off the table, had Obama and Congress investigat­ed and prosecuted BushCo, we'd be done with Republican­s having any kind of power.  We'd have regulated finance/ba­nking system and a robust stimulus program that would have put millions of Americans back to work and not teetering on the edge of foreclosur­e.  Oh to have a home worth more than what it's cost again.

There could be 100 "progressi­ves" in the Senate and 435 in the House, and they and Obama and Democrats would still find a way to deliver to corporatio­ns instead of the People. Because they're DLC, aka Republican­s-in-Democ­rats'-clot­hing.
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