A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

The Dark Side Of The Obama White House

Saturday, July 28, 2012

I've heard every one of these criticisms before, and they don't change a thing for me.

To expect radical change, in our current political climate - and with our system of checks and balances - is childish.


The inevitable insulting name-calling -- Those who don't agree with you are "childish".

The only coalition building that has occurred in the last 40 years has been Democrats caving to Republicans, moving the government so far to the right that 

In an atmosphere like this, you don't try to reason with Republicans -- You fight them, with every Parliamentary trick in the book (if Democrats won't pull them, Republicans surely do), and by educating the public, by defending against the wrongful attacks, claims and lies that Republicans have made since Reagan about liberal policies and legislation.  

That's how you grow the electorate, i.e., bring more voters out as happened in 2008 when 10 million more voters (new and returning voters turned out for Obama than any other presidential candidate in history) because they believed he was that CHANGE candidate we'd been waiting for.  You increase the number of Democratic voters - That's how you win elections.  

But that is not what the DLC-controlled Democratic politicians are interested in doing.  They don't want real Democratic policies, populist policies and legislation, to pass.  Because Democratic politicians work for the same corporate powers-that-be that Republicans do.   

Believe it or don't.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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