A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

Thursday, January 13, 2011

When you're in Congress or the White House, you have a responsibility to problem-solve and prevent tragedies like this from happening. That's the job.

So what can we expect, aside from Obama making speeches lauding heroes and chastising heated political rhetorical speech?

After observing Obama's powerful speaking abilities again, will he use that talent to benefit those who put him into power in 2008, the People, to work on their behalf?

Will the NRA finally be shown the door, expelled from the legislative process, and automatic weapons banned? Will Congress reinstate the ban on assault weapons that expired in 2004? These extended magazines had been banned prior to 2004. Up until then, 10 bvllets per clip was the limit. We know exactly which members of Congress, both sides of the aisle, voted against keeping the ban in place. FWIW, those of you who just love Russ Feingold and want him to primary Obama, he voted no on reinstating the ban. When the investigation of Saturday's sh00ting is complete, we're going to know exactly which victims were the recipients of bvllets 11-33. We're going to know if the 9-year-old would still be alive had the ban been kept in place. We can now say that donations from the NRA to politicians are literally bl00d money.

Can public schools across the nation now expect monies to be reinstated for counseling and mental health screening and treatment?

How about reinstating public facilities for the emotionally disturbed; money for mental health hospitals?

How about that public option for healthcare, and expanded coverage for mental health treatment?

Is the FCC now going to bring back the Fairness Doctrine and regulate h.a.t.e radio?

That is what Obama and Democrats should be talking about: Controlling guns and taking on the NRA. Full throttle. Taking on all corporate money in politics, too. But they won't. Because they've got bl00d on their hands. They came into office in 2006 and 2008 having decided to abandon gun control and regulation, in spite of the People's support of the ban and for gun control.

Obama and Democrats should be hitting hard now on expanding mental health services nationwide, too. Mental illness and poverty go hand-in-hand. We're going to see more 'Saturdays' like the last one in Tucson as the economy worsens, more people losing their jobs and homes and becoming desperate. We've got huge problems in this country, and we need leadership, not 'ministry' from Obama.


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