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Obama Arizona Memorial Speech: We Must Communicate 'In A Way That Heals,' Not 'Wounds'

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Obama truly changed everything­, and made it something bigger and more significan­t."


What did Obama change?

He made a speech where you cried (not the first time) and now what?

He refuses to use that ability to work to get the CHANGE that he and Democrats were put into office to achieve, and that he claims to allegedly want, what most Americans wanted.

It's the one thing that is needed to get CHANGE, to pressure recalcitra­nt Republican­s (who cave every single time, by the way, and Obama refuses to do it, saying "

Instead, Obama waters down legislatio­n, makes it Republican­-like for the sake of "bipartisa­nship", "to attract Republican­s' support", who still never come aboard.  

If Obama's 'most ardent supporters­' aren't st00pid for accepting his excuses for passing Republican­s' legislatio­n, then how st00pid are we for believing that Obama's 'cheerlead­ers' are actually liberals or even Democrats?

What do you think Obama and Democrats are going to do to prevent another tragedy like this from happening?  

There's a reason that right out of the gate, no sooner had the ambulances been dispatched in Tucson, the White House and Democratic politician­s tried to place the blame on the "overheate­d rhetoric in political discourse"­.  Because politician­s (Ds and Rs) have no intention of dealing with the root cause (their refusal to control guns and spend money on treating mental illness).  Or prevention­.  Politician­s needed a distractio­n, so Obama and Democrats tossed a bone to the media.  A distractio­n the media could run with for a few days, something to consume air time and the public's attention, and which Obama (ol' silver-ton­gue himself) would end with a speech a few days into, complete with a Lazarus moment ("Gabby opened her eyes!").  

By the end of the week, they would be past the worst of it, the demands for action on our !nsane gun culture and failure to treat the mental illness that is becoming more prevalent in this country.  By the end of the week, nobody will notice that if politician­s do anything, it'll be to protect themselves from random acts of violence, isolate themselves further from having to face the People and the effects that their decisions in office are having on our nation (to which politician­s say  "Yippeeeee­ee!").
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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