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Alvin Greene Nomination 'Breaks My Heart': DSCC Director

Friday, July 23, 2010

The problem we have is with ourselves for letting these characters continue to betray us, and with the DLC, whose members we've long needed to purge from the party.

The DLC controls the Democratic Party, has for about 20 years. We the People, the base of the Democratic Party (liberals, most people who voted for Democrats) actually beat the DLC this past election. We thought that by putting Obama in over Hillary, that ended the DLC's control. We thought that by adopting Howard Dean's 50-state strategy over Rahm 'Blue Dog' Emanuel's "focus on a few electoral states to sink DNC's resources" -strategy, we were taking back the party. It's too bad more of us didn't know that Obama's a Blue Dog at heart, a DLCer, and he hearts Rahm. So when Rahm sailed with Obama into the White House, they tossed Howard out on his keester.

We've got to stop looking to Democratic Party celebrities' positions & opinions for what's possible, what we should do. We know what we want and need and, in fact, THEY work for US.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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