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Alvin Greene Nomination 'Breaks My Heart': DSCC Director

Friday, July 23, 2010

2/9/05 Writer Alexander Sanger said that on many levels, he has been pleased that politicians have begun to rethink the approach to abortion rights. "There is no question in my mind that we, the pro-choice movement, ought to be leading the way to reframing how we talk about abortion," he said. "So if various leaders of the DemocraticParty are beginning to have this discussion that is all to the good." But he warned, "We have to differentiate between the pro-choice movement and Democratic Party." What the politicians are saying may be sound, but their strategy may be suspect. "The Democrats are looking for a scapegoat for the loss in November, and they've picked the wrong one [in abortion]."


Dean is not for single payer, and never has been.

Dean talks a good populist game, but he's as much a corporate Democrat when push comes to shove as any DLCer. Deanwho wants desperately to be in with the DLC insiders, but they don't want him. They play with him, toy with him, and they get him to do heavy lifting for them (keeping us liberals on the hook), but in the end they slam the door in his face and break his heart every time.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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