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Gulf Oil Spill: BP's Poor Record So Far Dulls Hope For Future

Friday, June 11, 2010

The "splitting the difference"-decisionmaking that we see in Obama (and the Kerry-Lieberman-Graham-energy bill) doesn't solve problems. It only pushes the problem off, kicks the can down the road for a time. We're at the end of the road. We have to turn around, go back to the beginning, and make new HEALTHY, green and clean choices.

To tout nuclear is to be deaf, dvmb and blind to the fact that it's not safe or cheap. And dismissing conservation as a joke, out of hand, & then in the next breath suggest that the oil that is being drilled in the Gulf is "ours" (it's put up on the world market where we stand in line to buy it like everyone else) just means you're either a t00I or a stooge.
About Gulf Oil Spill
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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