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James Carville Goes Off On Fareed Zakaria: 'I Wanted To Hit Him With A Football Bat' (VIDEO)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Carville's complaint about shrimp from Indonesia and seafood from other countries isn't about pride in local products.

Almost all seafood in US supermarkets comes from developing nations -- 80% of all seafood sold in the US is imported. The FDA inspects and tests less than 1% of it, and when it does, it frequently finds filthy fish and banned chemicals. Catfish from China? Veterinary drugs. Swordfish from Vietnam? Poisonous. Snapper from Malaysia? Filthy.



What has happened to all of our food since deregulation, corporatization, and NAFTA is a crime.



I expected a Democratic administration and Congress to reinstate the regulations, inspections and oversight over our food supply that's been gutted over the last 30 years. I did NOT expect Democrats to be continuing to throw away taxpayers' money and future on 'Long Wars' and junk insurance, and payoffs to PhRma.

Americans face greater threats to their lives from what's on their dinner plates than cave dwellers half a world away. Obama, Pelosi and Reid are bitter disappointments.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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