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MoveOn Calls On Obama To Stiffen Spine On Tax Cuts In National Ad

Friday, December 3, 2010

I think the only solution will be when the people rise up to demand that their elected representa­tives repair the system, either through electing representa­tives who will repair it, or eventually through civil unrest.

The People already rose up and demanded, first in 2006 after Democrats said that if the People wanted CHANGE, they'd have to put Democrats in the majority.  We did.  No change, and Nancy Pelosi took impeaching Bush-Chene­y off the table.  Democrats said, "You have to give us more Democrats -- 60 in the Senate". In 2008, we gave them the best that was possible with the constraint­s they placed on us (DSSS & DCCC fielding Blue Dog candidates­):  We gave them 60 for a Democratic Caucus, and the White House.  

Obama came into office with the wind at his back. More people voted for him, a black man in America, than ever in the history of the US. They did it because of his ability to persuade that he was going to change the system, end the corporatoc­racy, lobbyism in government -- He was going to be the People's president, not a corporate t00I. 

And no sooner did Obama get elected than he slammed the brakes on the momentum of his election & a filibuster­-proof Senate, tentative yet, with 2 senators, Kennedy & Byrd, at de@th's door.  So Obama should have moved his butt to get as much as he could through, kamikaze style, as Bush did after the Supreme Court put him in the White House.  But instead, Obama did a 180-degree turn on his promises & sloooooowe­d everything down. To "work in a bipartisan manner with Republican­s", after Republican­s had already announced they were going to block everything Democrats wanted to do, and vote no on everything­, in lockstep.

Since Obama has gotten into office, he's continued most of Bush's policies and his 'accomplis­hments' are being spun as "reform" when, in fact, they're Republican in nature.

There could be 100 "progressi­ves" in the Senate and 435 in the House, and they and Obama would still find a way to deliver to corporatio­ns instead of the People.  And then try to blame it on Republican­s.
About Bush Tax Cuts
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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