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WikiLeaks Update: U.S. Tries To Contain Damage From Leaked Embassy Cables

Monday, November 29, 2010

I've read the articles (and more than just a handful of the cables), and they are indeed newsworthy and not "No news here" as you state.

Let's look at one of the most benign assessment­s from the BBC:

"What the documents show in fact is not that the US secretly wants to go to war with Iran but that it has resisted pressure to do so from Israel and Arab leaders acting out of a coincident­al common interest. This is very much in line with President Barack Obama's public diplomacy"

Maybe (very much in line with Obama's public diplomacy)­, but it doesn't mean that we're not moving to expanding the wars to include Iran.  The situation is as dire as it was when Bush was in office.  Nothing's changed.  I think Obama is a much more thorough politician in that he sets his ducks up in a row and puts many buffers between him and his actions so that he's never the one left holding the bag.  Some call this c0wardly, and I'm inclined to agree -- The few things that Obama has taken responsibi­lity for are clearly not anything that was his responsibi­lity (the economy).  

The greatest lesson Obama may have learned from Bush and Iraq is that he doesn't want the appearance that he rushed to war, even if the timetable would be the same under any corporate president.  

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