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Obama Takes Responsibility For Voter Frustration On Election Night

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I don't see Obama "taking responsibility" for anything; I heard muddled messages, & a press corps helping Obama advance false memes, like "Voters were rejecting Obama because he went too far to the left."

That's really been at the heart of our problems -- A corporate media that gets it wrong.

Obama needs to talk with and to the real Democratic voters who brung 'im and explain his strategy that has Americans losing more ground economically, politically, culturally and morally.

Instead of waging a campaign focused on witchcraft, Ginni Thomas and "We're not as bad as the other guys", I'd have liked to see the media focus on what the candidates (particularly the Democrats) intended to do if they retained power and if they didn't.

Obama & the Democratic leadership told the Times two weeks ago that they're going to do more caving to the Republicans, more "inclusion" & attempts at bipartisanship. He echoed that today. That means that they're moving the Democratic Party even farther to the right-of-r­ight-of-ce­nter.

I'd like to see Obama & other Democrats in office face legitimate questions from journalists on the left. I want them to answer seering questions from a panel with Amy Goodman, Laura Flanders, Matt Taibbi, Ezra Klein, Jeremy Scahill, Thom Hartmann, Glen Greenwald, Jane Hamsher, and a few others.

I think we need to get to the bottom of their plans; enough with the 'rhetoric of many interpretations'.

We need the transparency that Obama & Democrats campaigned on.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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