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Mitch McConnell Challenges Obama With Bold Speech

Thursday, November 4, 2010

It also doesn't fix the base or inherent problem: Transparency in workplace pay. And in the economic times like what we're experiencing today (and in the long term foreseeable future), expect the pendulum to swing back to pre-equal pay legislation when people are faced with homelessness and hunger. It's like fixing the Corvair's drift problem in an age of Priuses.

Also ironically, the same kind of problem (administrative or 'housekeeping' issues) has been written into every other piece of legislation that is on your list of Obama's 'accomplishments'. It's most notably in Obama's healthcare legislation, and it's what's going to enable Republicans to enact tort reform legislation in the near future, which Obama & Democrats will "compromise" (cave) on.

I look askance at those who tout Obama's 'accomplishments', because I know they're hapless saps, the victims of propaganda campaigns who aren't seeing that while the house is burning to the ground, instead of calling the fire department, instead of picking up a fire extinguisher or a hose and spraying water on it, instead of running inside to rescue trapped people & pets, Obama has been unscrewing the address plate from the mailbox.

I don't know what it's going to take to get through to Pelosi's & Obama's 'most ardent supporters', and it's becoming disconsoling.
About Barack Obama
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