Bush Directly Authorized Use Of Waterboarding, Still Rejects 'Torture' Classification In New Book
Thursday, November 4, 2010
It's not the same for Republicans. If the Republican leadership gets the deals they want (which are the same deals pro-corporate Obama wants), they'll spin it that they "whupped him but good!" The imagery they'll use plays right into their stereotypical big0try, r@c!sm, etc. The GOP base will accept their working with Obama because it'll give them accomplishments to run on in 2012.
Obama is with them on fiscal & foreign policy, as well as on many social issues. He courted and won over many evangelical Chr!stians in 2008.
Democratic voters have to get noisy and demand the Democratic leadership they thought they were going to get when they voted in 2008. That's how it's got to happen.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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