A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama Targets Core Constituencies In Midterms Home Stretch

Monday, October 18, 2010

I am an old patriotic liberal Democrat. Not 'country western song' kind of patriotism, but a 'Williamsb­urg/Smiths­onian/"You Say Manassas, I Say Bull Run"/Michie & Fraunces Tavern/presidential libraries, etc.' kind of patriotism.

I've always been struck by a common thread that goes through everything in America that has kept it up and running despite some major assaults (but nothing like Nixon-Bush­-Cheney-Ro­ve).

It's a singular principle that has made this country a beacon for people who want a better life, to live free and pursue dreams. And in its absence, what is destroying the nation, and the world beyond us. It got coined in the 1950s, and I remember it resonated and was conflated into our culture through a comic book hero: 'Superman', "who fights a never ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way!"

It's simple truth. Equal justice under the law for all. No Machiavelli intrigue.

I look at what is. I listen to what people say and then what they do. I watch events as they unfold, and I appreciate the patterns. If what politicians say they're going to accomplish is what they deliver.

I know enough about the legislative process and policy and government agencies (there really are no new ideas, and it's all just about trying to have your idea prevail over all others) to know where it's heading.

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