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Obama Targets Core Constituencies In Midterms Home Stretch

Monday, October 18, 2010

The older I get, the more I appreciate how life and politics and democracy work best simply. No game-playing. Honesty, transparency. Even if others are playing games, the only way to beat them is with honesty and transparency.

That's what Democratic voters thought they were getting with Obama. Transparency in government. Simple and direct action, from what they thought was a man and a political party dedicated to working on behalf of the middle and poor classes.

And had that been true of Obama and the DLC-Democrats controlling Congress, that they were working for the average citizens of the US, there would have been, among many things, no putting the power of the White House and the DNC behind Blue Dogs because it's going to take Progressives to get real Democratic legislation through.

Yet that's what Obama's been doing, working to get more conservatives into Congress. In the Democratic primaries of this election cycle, when presidents do not get involved, Obama put the full weight and support of the White House and the DNC behind Blue Dog BlancheLincoln and DINO Arlen Specter over the actual progressives running against them. Trying to prevent Democratic voters choosing who they want to represent them in Congress (Joe Sestak in PA).

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