A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

I think you could benefit from reading these:

Here's an article by Glenn Greenwald on preventive detention:

http://www­.salon.com­/news/opin­ion/glenn_­greenwald/­2009/05/22­/preventiv­e _detention

Here are another couple of articles by Greenwald worth a read:

Obama is asserting that he has the right to deny Americans their day in court, to murder American citizens with no due process, no oversight whatsoever.


Pure Kafka-


Bush and Cheney make no excuses for what they did and are about.

What makes Obama even worse than Bush-Cheney, IMHO, is that he campaigned on knowing different.

But Obama ran on not being like them.

As a "Constitutional scholar", the candidate Obama assured Americans and the world that he would not continue or repeat the abuses of Bush & Cheney.

To see what Obama's done in office is d@mning of his character. And when he's cornered, the excuses and l!es he speaks just confirm that he has no character.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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