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Dan Choi Won't Vote For Obama After Administration's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Actions (VIDEO)

Friday, October 22, 2010

I wish you people would read the entire comment, to the end, before jumping in to object. Not only read it through to its completion, but actually think about it for at least a minute or two.

And on this line, "All he can do is sign a stop loss that doesn't end DADT and antagonizes the Republicans", who the F*** cares about what Republicans have to say about what the Commander-in-Chief of the US armed forces has determined is vital to the security of the nation?

It's long past the time any Democrat should give a chit about not antagonizing Republicans. Democrats should have been standing up to Republicans for several decades now, and Democratic presidents should have been investigating and prosecuting Reagan-Bush & Bush-Cheney. Had Clinton investigated & prosecuted Reagan-Bush, there wouldn't have been a Bush-Cheney.

If you really want to get some insight into what's wrong with Democrats, read this (with special attention to Biden's part: http://www­.brandeis.­edu/invest­igate/sele­ctedwork/d­ocs/Angela­Wright_The­OtherWoman­.pdf

It's not enough that Democrats in Congress vote no when nominations like ClarenceThomas's get to the floor of the Senate for confirmation; they must do everything within their power to prevent nominations like Thomas ever getting to the floor at all. That's a lesson that Democrats still haven't learned, as we saw with the nominations of Alito and Roberts.

We need REAL Democrats with fire-in-th­eir-bellie­s working on behalf of the People.
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