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Sarah Palin Slams 'Impotent,' 'Limp' Reporters Who Use Anonymous Sources

Friday, September 3, 2010

Obama may not be as progressive as we might prefer, but he has been a very good president. Trading in some progress on a total disaster would be insanity.


We part company there.

Obama's been a disaster. He's continuing Bush policies, renaming them something that he hopes the American people will swallow whole. But more are realizing it, catching on to Obama-speak. It's why Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic Congress are losing the base. But they don't care because the policies that they're installing are Republican policies, which they hope will cause Republicans (politicians & their voters) to support.

That's the DLC's 'master plan', it's what they've been working on for years. We have the DLC, now headed by Obama, to thank for keeping Palin on the public stage as a viable candidate (to GOPers/Teabaggers) in 2012. Obama & RahmEmanuel went after RushLimbaugh & SarahPalin as soon as Obama got into the OvalOffice, in spite of the fact that Limbaugh & Palin have no role in the RepublicanParty. Obama & RahmEmanuel have never gone after the Republican leadership directly. Not MitchMcConnell, not JohnBoehner, not EricCantor, not JohnMcCain (the titular head of the Party, as the last presidential nominee). It's why Obama (nor any of the DemocraticParty leadership) has held the BushAdministration to account.

About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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