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Obama Invokes 'State Secrets' Claim To Dismiss Lawsuit Against Targeting Of U.S. Citizen

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The government was never supposed to be able to decide what the limits of its own power are.

Yes, it is, and the method by which it accomplishes that is in the Constitution; three separate and distinct branches of government provide the checks and balances.

And for the most part over the past 200+years, when executive branches haven't exploiting loopholes in the Constitution to carve out broad unchecked powers for itself, it has worked very well.

The key to the Constitution and its success, our success as a democracy, is that you to really really want America to work.  More than you want your own way, more than you want your own need for power and authority to dominate, you have to want this country to succeed in order to resist exploiting the loopholes that enable the unbalancing of the power between the 3 branches.

Bush and Cheney and conservatives going back 3 decades (to Nixon, where many of the Bush-Cheney people got their start in politics) didn't, and now it seems Obama doesn't either.  The DLC (which controls the Democratic Party) is no longer hiding their true nature either.  
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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