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Bill Clinton Strikes Back At Rachel Maddow

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Let's also not forget that Bill Clinton got the same PDB that George W. Bush got.

He knew Bush was Iy!ng us into a war in Iraq. His wife didn't even read the NIE that was made available to her and all members of Congress in a locked & guarded room on the Hill. Senator Bob Graham, who did not vote to give Bush the AUMF (authorization to use military force against Iraq), told Hillary that she had better get herself to the room and read it. She admitted she hadn't. Is anybody seriously going to say that she and her husband didn't know the truth that Bush and Cheney were about to spend us into servitude, third world nation status (all the while the Clintons were making HUNDREDS of millions from hedge funds)?

Bill Clinton cut the safety net from beneath Americans with welfare "reform".
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