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Obama Won't Say 'Mission Accomplished' In Iraq Speech

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

No, it's not progress (for the People) if the incremental movement is going in the same direction and consolidating the gains established by Bush & Cheney (and really begun under Nixon and then later Reagan).

The Obama administration is continuing most of Bush's policies, and even going Bush-Cheney one better on unitary executive claims, opacity in government, and abusives of Constitutional protections and invasions into privacy.

Obama's most ardent supporters make the same mistake of believing that if there's a 'D' after the name, the politician must be for traditional Democratic Party values, i.e., populist policies over corporate. That hasn't been true since the DLC took over the Democratic Party in the late 1980s.

Just as Bill Clinton consolidated the gains of Reagan-Bush with many Democratic voters clueless as to the foundation that was being laid in his doing so, Obama is repeating that history. And like Clinton's failure to hold Reagan-Bush to account (Iran-Contra, October Surprise), Obama is repeating the mistake by blocking investigations and prosecutions of Bush-Cheney.

The Democracy ended there.

And Obama's most ardent supporters do no one any favors, least of all themselves, by throwing themselves under the bus for Obama.
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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