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Obama Won't Say 'Mission Accomplished' In Iraq Speech

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

As far as "Who gets to determine what real Democrats are", it's not a nebulous concept; it's actually written and voted on. It's called the platform of the Democratic Party, and includes very specific planks on what Democrats stand for and are working to achieve.

I am to the left of Obama and I am a mainstream Democrat. I am one of the base, the 70% of the Democratic Party who are liberals. I am far from far left. Far left does exist within the Democratic Party, but the far left mostly exists outside of the Democratic Party, as Independents.

I would love to hear whether you've ever heard of the DLC, their history, what they're about and who they are. Most Democratic voters don't know what the DLC is and who they are, despite the fact that the DLC controls the Democratic Party.

And despite the DemocraticParty's platform, the fixed definition of what the DemocraticParty stands for and is working to achieve, the DLC is active in subverting that platform and works to achieve for transnational corporations, just like Republicans. One example of that is the DemocraticParty's plank on healthcare reform: Getting affordable, quality medical treatment for all. That's not the same thing as forcing everyone to buy insurance policies. Having insurance is not the same thing as being able to get affordable quality medical care. But that is what Republicans worked toward, and what Obama and the DLC did.
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