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Kucinich Hits Back At Gibbs: You've Read Liberals Wrong

Friday, August 13, 2010

3rd link - does at least address the issue at hand, saw nothing in it to indicate it was Obama who killed the public option.


The links give the backstory to the fact that we could have had a public option.

But you think Obama was pushing for a public option?

Did you sleep through the spring, summer, fall, and winter? You obviously missed how Obama progressively equivocated on a public option, going from, "I will not sign any legislation that doesn't include a public option" to "President Barack Obama said Monday that Congress should approve a final healthcare bill even if it doesn’t include a public option" (12/21/09 -

http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/73275-obama-public-option-not-the-most-important-part-of-healthcare-bill )

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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