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Gibbs: Obama Still Wants To Feel Pressure From The Left

Friday, August 13, 2010

Yes, and that's a great documentary. What you are reminding me of by mentioning it is how history repeats itself, and how we never seem to learn from past mistakes. This in particular is what came to mind - http://www.niemanwatchdog.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=background.view&backgroundid=00480

Perhaps we never seem to learn because so much of the truth has been obscured. Our government spins such webs of l!es that it's impossible for most Americans to believe the government would or could do that.

Most Americans have no idea who Sayyid Qutb was, and how along the way his influence could have been muted or stopped entirely. But behind ever FUBAR are those with an agenda (CIA), to use situations for their own advantage. Only later does it all blow up in innocents' faces.

Reagan's race to bankrupt the Soviet Union was just one such FUBAR. At least when the commies were in charge, we knew where the nukes were.

And when Saddam was in Iraq, he kept Iran occupied.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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