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Obama Primetime BP Address: HuffPost Exclusive Preview

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tar is a known carcinogen & should be removed from your skin ASAP -- Easier said than done. Some swear by Vaseline, Baby Oil, mineral/vegetable oil, kerosene, GOO Gone! to get it off. I've never had much luck getting it off with anything but nail polish remover (acetone), which while helping to get the clumps of tar off, still leaves a tar stain or residue on your skin that just has to wear off over time (one to two weeks).

Nail polish/acetone/kerosene does NOT work to remove the tar from shoes. Those you just have to throw out (remember to do that before you get home & walk inside your house -- You will never get tar out of carpeting, or wood floors without destroying the finish).

This is what sticks to your feet/shoes after you walk on a Santa Barbara today, 2010 -- You will not see it; it's just below the surface of the sand:


So the question is, is Obama being horribly misinformed, or is he a corrupt Iiar?
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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