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Obama Not Above Political Manipulation After All

Monday, June 7, 2010

ObamaCare is about forcing Americans to purchase 'junk insurance'. It does nothing to reign in the skyrocketing costs of healthcare. It's not healthcare for all. None of the loopholes discovered (surprise!) a day after its passage have been closed (it doesn't cover all children, it doesn't keep all under 26-year-olds on their parents' insurance, etc.).

With the deal that Obama made with phRma, hospitals & the AMA & Big Insurance, there can be no PublicOption as long as Obama's in the WhiteHouse. The only "start" about it is that it's the beginning of the end of all public healthcare programs (Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, CHAMPUS, veterans' care, etc.).


Obama's expanded the wars beyond Afghanistan & Iraq, into Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, & increased military spending. The American taxpayer is going to be footing the bill for much of the clean-up of the BP oil blowout, as well as other unforeseen & unknowable disasters coming our way. We're going into a double-dip recession (it's a DEPRESSION). We can't get this president to do for the People what he's doing for the Corporations, & you think ObamaCare is "a start" towards public healthcare, aka affordable quality medical treatment for all?

Obama's got a 'Deficit Commission' going that'll deliver that bad news on behalf of Plutocrat Obama. Because Obama, corporate t00I that he is, will sooner cut SocialSecurity & all social programs, than take a dime away from the Corporate Welfare going to his Corporate Masters.
About Barack Obama
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