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Louisiana Oil Spill 2010 PHOTOS: Gulf Of Mexico Leak Reaches Land

Monday, June 7, 2010

Jindal said a state-contracted dredging company already has a dredging permit because it was working on a coastal restoration project in the area.

The governor said he instructed the company to begin building a sand berm at East Grand Terre Island which is east of Grand Isle.

Once the sand berm is built, Jindal said, it will demonstrate that the artificial barriers will keep the oil out.

“This will put pressure on the corps to get out of the way and approve our permit,” he said.

The governor did say he still needs the corps to approve the emergency permit so that BP will have to pay for the project.

Once the corps approves the permit, Jindal said he wants the U.S. Coast Guard, which is in charge of the federal response to the oil leak, to instruct BP to mobilize the dredges and start building the sand barriers.

Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the national incident commander for the BP oil leak, said late Friday that the Coast Guard is in talks with the state and the corps in an attempt to “clarify their positions” on the dredging plan.

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