A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

BP CEO Tony Hayward New Oil Disaster Ad: Sincere Or Damage Control?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thanks. I think.

I don't know what in that changed your mind. Or if you're saying that you're now too bitter& pessimistic.

I would enjoy nothing more than being able to say Obama and Democrats are doing a great job. I would have loved to have said that about Bush & Cheney, too, (ok, I wouldn't have loved it, but I would have done it anyway, grudgingly). But to have said that about Bush & Cheney would have meant they were governing & legislating as Democrats. Or as Democrats are supposed to govern & legislate, on Democratic policies.

Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic Congress are not governing/legislating as Democrats.

If anybody should have been acting like Obama (bipartisanship) it should have been Bush & Cheney after being handed the keys to the White House by one Supreme Court justice's vote. But they didn't and after 8 years of extreme corporate rule, voters handed Republicans their hats. Obama and Democrats were given a clear mandate to govern and legislate as Democrats.

But Obama is behaving as if the message of the 2008 election was that voters liked the results of Bush-Cheney-Republican-years, just not their style.

Can anybody deny that? And does anybody believe that's what voters intended when they put Obama and Democrats into power?
About Gulf Oil Spill
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