A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

BP: Mile-Long Tube Collecting Less Oil Than Before; Obama Administration Officials Dispatched To Gulf

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I think your ability to reason is being held hostage to, 1) a misguided sense of loyalty to politicians who aren't what you think they are, 2) overall ig.no.rance about the subject itself (you're not alone in that boat), 3) specific ig.no.rance with regard to propaganda and large-scale crowd control, and 4) a naive desire to want to believe and trust that there are grown-ups driving this bus.

Obama has not taken the steps that one would expect any pro-environmental president to take in this situation. He hasn't curtailed BP's other very risky operations in US waters, nor has he revoked the drilling permits issued after he had announced he was suspending the issuance of new permits. He also is behind the use of dispersants, even this most toxic one (Corexit), which is all about hiding the truth.

He has had the live feed since the day it happened, and has let BP l!e about the quantity of oil that is gushing, and letting BP keep independent scientists and observers away. It's not idle curiosity, but vital to making determinations as to protecting the coastlines and preparing for clean-up.
About Gulf Oil Spill
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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