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BP: Mile-Long Tube Collecting Less Oil Than Before; Obama Administration Officials Dispatched To Gulf

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I think you need to read it thoroughly, & start using your mind & reasoning skills:

April 20 - [T]the administration has continuously anticipated and planned for a worst-case scenario.

How does that square with this on April 29 & May 1 & May 19:




Once the oil's in the water, the only way to keep it from the wetlands, the coast period, is to surround it with booms & burn it off. While not environmentally friendly, burning's certainly more ecologically healthy than using Corexit - The only reason for using a dispersant is to hide it, send it beneath the surface so that it can't be seen by the media & the People.

After enough protests, Obama's EPA finally told BP it had 24 hours to find another dispersant, less toxic (Obama wants to hide it, too, apparently) and 72 hours to start using it. BP then told the EPA to "take a hike, we're sticking with Corexit". http://www.nola.com/news/gulf-oil-spill/index.ssf/2010/05/bp_is_sticking_with_its_disper.html

The WhiteHouse has had the live feed from day one of this catastrophe & has let BP continue to l!e about the amount of oil spilling into the Gulf.

Those are just 3 on a long list of failures by this administration in this clusterfvck of a disaster.
About Gulf Oil Spill
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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