A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Liz Cheney To Challenge Mike Enzi In 2014

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

if mitch mcconnell hadn't declared a goal of making obama a one turn president and he, and boehner reducing the congress and senate into the most ineffective EVER.


There was nothing new about that - That's what Republicans have been doing for decades.  They play hardball and they play for keeps.  I can't even fault Republican politicians for it - Their constituents put them into power to achieve their goals.  It's just Democratic voters who accept short shrift, are ok with getting sold down the river, because their elected representatives played 'nice' and wouldn't get in the dirt with Republicans.  

How anybody could have lived through the past several decades and not know that is beyond me.  They kept the nation hostage for years impeaching a president over a blow j0b.  In spite of the fact that they knew they would take in poll ratings and at the ballot box, that the nation did not support their impeaching Clinton.  That's what Republicans do.  
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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