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CIA Drone Base In Saudi Arabia: Location Disclosed By The New York Times

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

If you'll check out the chart of military suicides, broken down by year and by service, in Diane Sweet's post Military Suicides: 154 in 155 Days you'll see that Air Force suicides for 2012 exceed Air Force suicides in any previous year, 18 for each of 2008 and 2009, 25 for 2010, 20 for 2011, and 32 for 2012.
No reason is given. But we know the Air Force now trains more drone pilots than conventional, and studies show how stressful drone piloting can be. They also find that being separate from the battlefield creates its own problems, since the drone pilot cannot aid his comrades directly and, as the main post points out, often sees a lot of the carnage he (or she) would not likely see in theatre.

So, since the spike in Air Force suicides corresponds directly with the uptick in drone killings, I think it's reasonable to conclude the spike of Air Force suicides is a result of the stress of drone warfare.

Turns out it's not as antiseptic and free of risk for the military as one might think.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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