A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama's Immigration Reform Push To Begin This Month

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Private Prisons Spend $45 Million On Lobbying, Rake In $5.1 Billion For Immigrant Detention Alone.

Private prison industry helped draft Arizona immigration law.  A private corrections company helped write and lobbied hard for a draconian bill that'll help fill their cells

Correction Corp of America's Contributions to Federal Candidates in 2010, in 2012.

In actuality, the prison industrial complex goes beyond merely housing - Lobbyists work both sides of the street, seeking expansion of criminal laws to increase the prison population.  Here's just one way they go about it - Private Prisons: Immigration Convictions In Record Numbers Fueling Corporate Profits.  Then there are the drug wars.  And debtors' prisons are making a comeback (what do you think happens when you make personal bankruptcy impossible while leaving banks to make bad loans which they then go to the government for bailing out?).

Private Prison Corporations on a Shopping Spree - Private Prison Corporations Are Modern Day Slave Traders - The nation’s largest private prison company, the Corrections Corporation of America, is on a buying spree.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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