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Barack Obama Rock Center: President Describes The Killing Of Osama Bin Laden As The 'Most Important' Day Of His Presidency

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The problem for Obama is that due to his record of reneging on his promises, his flip-flopping on campaign pledges, his continuing Bush-Cheney policies (and going Bush-Cheney even one better, with NDAA, extrajudicial killing of American citizens, expanding war, surrounding himself with the same Bush-Cheney officials that got us into illegal wars that we were lied into, invoking John Yoo in his illegal expansion of executive power, and so much more, it's really impossible to believe a word that comes out of this administration.  

When you refuse to release the photographs, when you dump the body in the ocean like a thief in the night, when the accounts of the raid on bin Laden's compound are conflicting and when you refuse to let the press anywhere near Seal Team 6 for questioning, how do you know that what Obama claims (the killing of bin Laden) is true? 

This isn't what we do in the US.  It's not how a democracy works.  Democracy can't stand without transparency, oversight, checks and balances, nor does Obama get to take credit for anything without it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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