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Fiscal Cliff Talks: Wheels Closer To Coming Off Deal Bus

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Republicans smell blood in the water.  They claimed Susan Rice's scalp before she was even nominated and now they've set their sights on Chuck Hagel. Rolling the administration on the fiscal cliff along with these two will give them just the shot in the arm they need right now.  They wanted Kerry, they got him.  Massachusetts is now in play.  

This really isn't all that different from the post-2008 election days when Obama slowed the momentum of winning with 10 million more votes than any presidential candidate in history, deliberately handicapped the People's side, in order to "work in a bipartisan way with Republicans".  

At some point Obama's most ardent supporters have to ask themselves if Obama is not who they thought he was, corrupt, or just plain stupid.  Whatever he is, he's not doing anything to help the 99%.

My own personal belief is that Susan Rice was never a serious consideration by Obama for Secretary of State, just as Elizabeth Warren was never anybody that Obama wanted as head of the CPA.  The evidence is very strong that Obama wants to undermine any chance of a filibuster-proof Democratic majority in the Senate or a majority in the house of Democrats.  Just as it took Nixon to go to China, it's a Democratic president that will end New Deal and Great Society programs.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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