A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Nancy Pelosi: No Fiscal Cliff Deal Without Tax Hikes For Rich (VIDEO)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Obama and Democrats today (and Democrats for the past couple of decades, or since the DLC took over control of the DemocraticParty) are promoting Republican policies.  You forget that Democratic politicians voted along with Republicans to support GeorgeWBush's policies.  Democrats all but disappeared during the Bush administration (BarbaraBoxer wrote mystery novels while collecting a salary from the Senate; PatrickLeahy got to act in a movie about his favorite comic book hero, Batman, while collecting his salary from the Senate). 

Democrats should have been working to obstruct Bush and block Republicans every way they could, but they actually argued on behalf of Bush.  How many times did we hear Democrats defend Bush's nominations on everything from cabinet posts to judges, citing "executive branch rights", "A president deserves to have whomever he wants on his cabinet" or "on the SupremeCourt"?  Out of Democrats' mouths!  

Alito, Roberts, and Thomas made it through a Democratically-controlled Judiciary Committee and Senate.  And Democrats voted to confirm Thomas (52-48), Alito (58-42) and Roberts (78-22) and Scalia (98-0).  There is nothing that Bush-Cheney, and Reagan-Bush for that matter, did that Democrats couldn't have blocked.  Democrats signed on to all of it.

Democrats did it and had as their talking points to quiet dissent among the base of the DemocraticParty, "The pendulum will swing back and Democrats will be in power and get these rights, and make it all right again".

But when Democrats got back into power, they didn't do that.  They aren't doing that.  Democrats in Congress have refused to perform their Constitutionally required responsibility of overseeing the executive branch, both during Bush (after 2006) and now under Obama.  Between HenryWaxman, JoeLieberman, PatrickLeahy, JayRockefeller, Democrats have been co-conspirators with Republicans.

And why wouldn't Democrats change, do anything differently when there are apologists, people like Obama's 'most ardent supporters', who keep his and their numbers high, who keep reelecting them no matter what their treachery.  "Because the Republicans are worse" -- That's some mantra.   It's no different than Bushies voting for Republicans because BinLaden's picture gets flashed at them all over the media the weekend before elections.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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