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In Ohio, Third-Party Candidates Could Tilt Election

Monday, November 5, 2012

In the debates, Obama admitted he agreed with Romney on:

1. Social Security.

2. Corporate Taxes. 
 Both said they will cut corporate taxes further.  As though corporations are suffering from high taxes and low profits, and there is plenty of money at the state and local levels.

3. Bowles-Simpson. 
Obama said he is going to push for Bowles-Simpson. And Romney praised Bowles-Simpson a few times. Imagine, a Democrat is going to push for this plan to undermine the social safety net on those who can least afford it, while further reducing taxes for the top income earners, who are already sitting on piles (and growing piles) of money, while not creating jobs.  A Democrat.

Obama has the same type of economic plan as the Republicans on the radical right; they just differ slightly in degrees. Both will strangle us, one slightly slower than the other.

Both are out to radically restructure the progressive state that has been developed since FDR: undermine and curtail the social safety net, while restructuring taxes further in favor of the top income earners (proposed by Bowles-Simpson, which Obama said he will push for). This is further redistributing income upwards, in favor of the top income earners. Reckless and irresponsible and unconscionable. But the only ones to call Obama out on it are those of us on the left, who refuse to go quietly into that good night.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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