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Obama Blasts Mitt Romney's Debate Candor: 'You Owe The American People The Truth'

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Charlie Pierce’s big line about the debate mirrored my thoughts about how the discourse has been so narrowed by a combination of DC establishment insulation from the actual problems of ordinary Americans, and Democrats becoming the face of New Austerity:

What you saw, I think, anyway, was the end product of the president’s consuming naivete as regards the American political process, as well as the end product of thirty years of a Democratic Party that has slid so far to the center-right that a Democratic president found himself arguing with a “severely conservative” Republican candidate over the issues of how much the Democratic president had cut out of the budget, how many regulations he’d trimmed, how much more devoted to the middle-class-kick-in-the-balls Simpson-Bowles “plan” he is, and how he would “reform” Social Security and Medicare — and, frankly, a Democratic president losing some of those arguments to his left. A Democratic president got through an entire debate and didn’t mention unions at all, even though the fact that our teachers are unionized here in Massachusetts is a big part of the reason why Romney got to brag on how good our education system is [...] somewhere, Al From, that greasy corporatist lackey, was smiling. He’s got the political process of his dreams. Of course, it is also the case that The Great Sellout is already under way, so what the hell does it matter.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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