A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obamanomics: A Counterhistory

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Three reasons why that White House talking point is BS:

1)  Obama had a filibuster-proof Senate after 2008 not just once but twice (Remember Arlen Specter's switch to the Democratic Party?),

2) Obama could have used reconciliation (and did use it for that insurance-phRma gift-package, ACA) for a real stimulus bill and many of the other bills, 

3) Senate rule 22 gives the Senate Majority Leader (Harry Reid) the power to either accept the threat or make them actually do it.  Whenever Reid has made them do it, whenever Reid has called the GOP's bluff, they've crumbled.  Reid has had no problem forcing the GOP to actually filibuster when it's something that the DLC wants and perceives it needs. For example, when Democrats needed unemployme­nt benefits to continue because the masses were becoming 'critical'­, Reid had no problem calling Republican Jim Bunning's bluff to filibuster­. Reid said, "Bring in the cots, do it" and Bunning and the GOP caved. Benefits for unemployed workers continued.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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