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Obama Turns To Local Media To Promote Reelection Message

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The number of soldiers will be and have been reduced. If you are using the fact that we will still be present there for some time to come in a training and ambassador relationship as war then we have been at war with just about every country of significance for ever.


What's the objective in Afghanistan, how is the military going about achieving it, and where are our tax dollars going?

Democratic voters didn't put Obama into the White House to militarize and indemnify the CIA, or continue the neocon wars on behalf of transnatio­nal corporatio­ns, yet that's precisely what's going on.

We're not in Afghanistan for anything having to do with terrorism, although our foreign policy, using our military for corporate acquisition of the world's resources, is creating terrorists and putting American citizens in peril.

Not long ago, Rachel Maddow walked the dusty, garbage-strewn streets of Afghanistan with RIchard Engel to see what exporting US-style democracy means, and what US nation-building actually builds. Watch this to see where are our tax dollars going, and learn how we are not "nation-building", not making us safer, and not helping the Afghans or building their nation at all (or a democracy). Learn how this has all been just a huge rip-off of the American people:

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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