A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama 2012 Campaign Helped By MoveOn.org, AFL-CIO Super PAC Alliance

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

60 votes (Lieberman­, Bayh, Nelson) weren't necessary; the legislatio­n was passed through reconciliation. 50 plus one.  

FYI - There's rarely a majority in Congress to pass anything at all until a campaign has been mounted to sell it.  And when a president and his political party are swept into power to deliver CHANGE across the board, he enters office with PLATINUM political capital.

Obama's healthcare legislatio­n was all designed up front to be a massive giveaway to the insuance and pharmaceut­ical industries and not affordable quality medical care for all, while giving Democrats (progressi­ves and liberals mostly) cover with their constituent­ts.  That's why all members of the Progressive Caucus were forced to get on board - That's why Obama crushed Kucinich.  Obama didn't need Kucinich's vote.  ACA is nothing but more of the same as what we've had: Expensive junk insurance.  Only now everyone is required to have it with no cost controls and no guarantees of affordable medical treatment.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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