A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Jill Stein Arrested: Green Party Nominee Faces Charges After Bank Protest

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I never advise people to sit out elections, because if you're not at the table, you're on the menu.  What p!sses me off about Obama (and one of many reasons I know him to be a treacherou­s con man, "betraying them that brung 'im") is that by shutting out liberals he's given pro-corpor­ate, Republican­-like policies an inside line.  The People's advocates can't even get in the door of this government­.

Citizens have an almost irrelevant and non-existent role in this democratic republic.  We have the right to vote, but no right to have those votes counted.  The founders were nothing if not ironic.  Up until Obama, presidents stayed out of primaries.  There's no law against it, but there was a general understanding that primaries are when the People decide who it is that they want representing them within political parties, so presidents rose above politics and let the people have their turn.  

But Obama broke that 'rule', making deals with candidates, throwing the White House's support behind Blue Dog Candidates over Liberal/progressive Candidates, Republicans and even Independents over Democratic candidates (Arlen Specter, Lincoln Chaffee, etc.).  Think about that: Obama would vote Republican and Independent over a real Democrat, a populist candidate.

Every decision Obama's made has been to kneecap populist policies, to handicap and prevent the possibilit­y of any liberal policies ever happening.  For example, if the goal is to get affordable quality medical care for everyone, everything else pales next to single payer.  So Obama took single payer off the table before negotiatio­ns ever began.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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