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Assange Embassy Controversy: Britain Threatens To Raid Ecuador's Embassy Over Asylum Issue

Friday, August 17, 2012

What is occurring in the shadows between Australia, Ecuador, Sweden, the UK and the US is the kind of activity which Pfc. Bradley Manning likely sought to reveal when he allegedly released US diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks. Based on the letter Ecuador was given that threatened the country’s London embassy with a possible invasion if Assange was not handed over for extradition to Sweden, it is evident the kind of coercion and underhanded diplomacy WikiLeaks uncovered continues to occur. Bullying or pressure is intended to prevent Assange from reaching Ecuador.

The grand jury is not some conjured conspiracy theory made up to suit Assange’s desire to escape legal processes in Sweden. It exists. It is part of a wide criminal investigation into Assange and others connected to WikiLeaks that is intended to produce indictments that could be acted upon. The US Justice Department would not be investing resources into a case like this if it had no intention of eventually putting people on trial in the United States.

Furthermore, the US government is in the midst of a court martial against Manning. They understand Manning must be convicted successfully before they can bring in Assange. Sweden’s desire to question Assange over sexual allegations is just the sideshow that must continue to unfold to keep Assange in a country whose government will cooperate with an extradition request when the US government is finally ready to make a meticulously prepared prosecution public to the world. Failing to ensure the UK maintains their position and does not allow Assange safe passage to Ecuador is necessary to preventing complications that would likely be experienced if he was in Ecuador when it came time to exact what Assange’s lawyer on matters related to asylum, Baltasar Garzon, has called “political revenge.”
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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