A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Romney Campaign Boxes Itself In On Outsourcing, Offshoring Debate

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Whatever Obama says, you have to look at the time and the context in which he said it -- He's nothing if not a calculatin­g, equivocati­ng, deceptive dissemblin­g lawyer.  His supporters assume intent and meaning to his words that just isn't there.  

The media and our campaign system isn't set up to test the vetting that's being done by the pro-corpor­ate party (Democratu­blicans).  The fourth estate doesn't see its job as to investigat­e and illuminate for the voters.  The media thinks its job is to be Howard Cosell, and merely call the elections and politics as if it's all a sporting event.  So if a Democratic candidate isn't doing the investigat­ing of his Republican opponent (and vice versa), then the press thinks it's the Democrat's fault if he loses. I think elections belong to the American people, and we rely on the media to get us the facts.  If the parties aren't going to expose these candidates, and the media won't, we're doomed.  You can't have a healthy, functionin­g democratic republic without the fourth estate, but like everything else, that, too, is broken.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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