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JPMorgan Trading Loss Suggests Little Has Changed Since The Financial Crisis

Saturday, May 12, 2012

If the Democrats pledged to reinstate every depression era regulation that has been removed and actually delivered on the campaign promise we would see a resurgance of America as the world leader in economic growth and the rapid rise of the middle class.  And the collateral damage would be the GOP in a permanent minority status.

Vote straight Democratic ticket


As a liberal Democrat I can attest to the fact that that isn't what the DLC-controlled DemocraticParty is about or wants.  There is nothing that Republicans have done these past 40 years that they could've gotten done without Democrats signing on.  

After LBJ, the DemocraticParty signed on to privatizing public resources and deregulating. 
Democratic voters, for the most part, still haven't finished their love affair with the last Democratic president, BillClinton, GeorgeHWBush's "best friend" and partner in advancing the move to a "NewWorldOrder".

Most Democratic voters think the Clintons are liberals.  Most Democrats don't know that the Clintons co-founded the DLC; most Democratic voters have no idea what the DLC is.

Just like the real debate & assessment of Reagan that's never happened, we've never assessed Clinton's true legacy. Eliminating the social welfare safety nets, GlassSteagle, the passage of the TelecommunicationsAct of 1996, rendition, privatization, the sanctions & daily bombing of Iraq (& so much more) laid the foundation for what BushCheney did to decimate the country. As AlanGreenspan said, "BillClinton was the best Republican president we've had in a while."

The Clintons benefitted greatly from the repeal of Glass-Steagall (GrammLeachBlileyAct), which BillClinton signed into law at the end of his administration, and what's behind the economic meltdown.  He made $100 million in the last ten years, and much more than that (unknown, secret, which is the nature of hedge funds) from his dealings with Yucaipa and RonBurkle.  

In the weeks before the midterms elections, when BillClinton was campaigning for candidates in states where Obama's popularity is in the tank, not one reporter asked Clinton any question of substance (including  his signing Gramm-Leach-Bliley, which repealed GlassSteagall, and would he do all over again if he had the chance -- He would, by the way). 

This is another reason for why there have to be investigations and prosecutions into the collapse of our economy and the 'preemptive wars' policies -- Obama has to stop blocking these processes, because we can't go forward without looking back.  We cannot make wise decisions, not about policies and not about the politicians we need to make these policies and lead us without knowing what the h3ll happened.

Once Americans learn the role of both parties, and who these politicians really are and who they're aligned with, they will understand that both political parties are corrupt to the core and that the solution for our political and financial woes can only come from OUTSIDE of these parties.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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