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John Boehner: President Obama's Travel For Student Loan Bill Is 'Pathetic'

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Do you guys realize that whoever is in the White House for the next 4 years is probably going to appoint 2 Supreme Court justices?


That has been the scare tactic used for the past 30 years, and the Supreme Court has moved farther and farther to the right despite electing Democratic presidents and senators.  Scalia and Thomas made it through a Democratically-controlled Judiciary Committee and Senate.  And Democrats voted to confirm Alito (58-42) and Roberts (78-22) - So much for the DLC's pro-Blue Dog argument.

The Supreme Court is lost already.  

Obama's appointments are really nothing to defend.  Elena Kagan is the Goldman-Sacks seat, not to mention that she was the 5th vote in rolling back Miranda a few weeks ago.

And Sotomayor was with the Scalia-Thomas-Alito faction that boycotted the SOTU - Sotomayor was in Guam, addressing a group of students and swearing in new members of the Guam Bar Association, a first for a US Supreme Court Justice (are you kidding, Sonia, missing the most public showing of US democracy and the 3 branches of government by leaving the US for a 5 day trip to Guam?).

We need more Earl Warrens.  What we don't need are politicians looking to avoid a fight, and want to work "in a bipartisan manner".  Republicans declared war on Democrats years and years ago, while Democrats keep trying to "make nice".  Democratic politicians have gotten fat and lazy, feathering their own nests while Republicans have made long inroads into furthering corporate interests.  

Whether Democrats are inept or corrupt, the result is the same: They have failed to protect the interests of the 99%.  And all that they're putting out this campaign season are warmed-over Republican-like policies when drastic populist steps need to be taken.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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