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John Boehner: '1 In 3 Chance' Republicans Lose Control Of House

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Try thinking of the two political parties as working on the same side, towards the same goal, with one of the parties (GOP) willing to pull out all of the stops to achieve the goal and the other party (Democrats) consolidating the gains made by the GOP when the GOP has been turned out of office when the People have had enough of them and become wise to their ways. 

The trick then for the Democratic Party is to make themselves seem like the good guys, like they're working on the side of the People. But the rhetoric doesn't match their actions. 

Obama and Democrats do not turn back the tide on Republican misdeeds. Democrats don't pass legislation to undo what has enabled the GOP to effect the greatest transfer of wealth from the most to the fewest. As a matter of fact, Obama and Democrats manage to shift more power to the police and military and executive branch, and eliminate more of the People's Constitutional civil rights and protections. 

And worse, Obama and Democrats block investigations and prosecutions into Bush and the GOP. 

If stopping the redistribution of wealth is your issue, you're only helping to continue it by your unconditional support for Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic Party.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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