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Mark Kelly Space Trip Dilemma: Take Flight Or Stay With Wife Gabrielle Giffords

Thursday, February 3, 2011

And who are you?

It actually is our business.  They made it our business, first when they announced that they're going to disregard the law and not hold a special election to replace her if she doesn't return to the job in 3 months.  Next, when they had Kelly pose for photos with her hand (jeebus key-wry-ss­st!), not once but twice, and then report that she had given him "a 60 minute massage" and that she watched the SOTU.  

Nobody is talking about the quality of care she's getting; notice that none of her physicians are  testifying that anything the husband has said is accurate.  

When you say that "she was shot in the head and the fact that she is alive gives you hope" only says you really know nothing about brain injuries.  Her having survived the gunshot is a wholly separate issue from her recovery.  I repeat, it's not just unlikely that she'll ever be able to speak again (much less work again); it's probable that she will live the rest of her days 100 percent disabled.  

If they don't want me and others talking like this, then they shouldn't be staging BS photo ops and playing with the facts and emotions of the public.  In the US, in a democratic republic, we have to deal with factual informatio­n, and not in fantasies or magical thinking.
About Arizona Shooting
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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